4litlvxn: A kerfluffle involving the delivery of a highly-desired vole
4litlvxn: nice "I'm the winner and you're all losers (but I still love you)" pose
4litlvxn: Mick, very concerned about the outside events, but not enough to actually go out to investigate them further
4litlvxn: our darling and daring Dozy
4litlvxn: Dee's turn to fly
4litlvxn: "Okay good, so now you know it's possible to flap, porch, and chew mice gum at the same time"
4litlvxn: Anyone have any WD-40???
4litlvxn: I wish I was that enthusiastic about my dinner
4litlvxn: I'm going to go out on a limb and say that she will be upset if you pounce on her back
4litlvxn: Dave and Dee, competitive flappers
4litlvxn: Getting the ball rolling
4litlvxn: Micky Lou Who
4litlvxn: "Last night wore us out.. No joke. We're completely too pooped to party"
4litlvxn: How is that face so clean and white after you eat so much yucky and gooey junk??? Impressive!!
4litlvxn: The color may have come from Sydney but the ZZZ definitely came from Melbourne
4litlvxn: Hello Hermione xoxoxo
4litlvxn: little hearts outside, big heart inside
4litlvxn: baby burger bun head
4litlvxn: "You grab one leg. I'll grab the other. And we'll pull off the great gopher robbery"
4litlvxn: "Sigh... this is delicious and exhausting. I need a break"
4litlvxn: "La dee daaaa, just walking around with my ginormous gopher"
4litlvxn: "Daddy has 4 babies but it's no doubt I'm his favorite."
4litlvxn: "Maybe I'll shock the world and be the first one out on the porch"
4litlvxn: owlet equivalent of Jazzercise
4litlvxn: "Fling a mouse my way and you will make my day... drop a gopher in my beak and you will make my week"
4litlvxn: Syd obviously has her favorite place to nab beastly rats
4litlvxn: owlet versions of hall monitors... hole montors
4litlvxn: "Daddy, I'm craving gopher" "What a coincidence"
4litlvxn: "Can you just bring the porch to me instead???"
4litlvxn: "My day will come to porch. I'm thinking December 17, 2038"