Aina.H: Day 298
Aina.H: Day 292
Aina.H: Day 291
AnnuskA - AnnA Theodora: I would wait a million years
Paisley patches: The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.....(Dr Seuss)
咖啡豆(一個人假裝在旅行): 停止或是前進... EXPLORE
Russell Watkins: room for one more
Little Miss Shabby: Quilted States of America
MisterQueue: The Spanda- er Sparrow Ballet
д§mд: `Vast Beyond the Vastness
Garrett Meyers: Jeremy Kaiser one hand flatty
Jibran Bin Dawood: Bud & Wine
Dejenee Renee.: Still Looking Up.
childishToy*: It rained actually..#1
puri_: O sol a meio da tarde de hoje!!!
Adnan-N Khan *in Pakistan- catching up!*: If i could not create miracles from love, then i could atleast do it by speaking the sort of words that fascinate children.
Aina.H: Day 280
Julia Trotti: sleep in peace
Luke_Williams: Ten Past Twelve
Aina.H: Day 279
Jibran Bin Dawood: Let the Fruit Grow...
hamidijaz: Hold it tight
hamidijaz: Morning Walk