PELeCON: The Glassblowing House
PELeCON: P1060905
PELeCON: P1060990
PELeCON: P1060988
PELeCON: P1060985
PELeCON: P1060981
PELeCON: P1060994
PELeCON: The 360 degree safe framework
PELeCON: #pelc12
PELeCON: Live streaming once again... #pelc12
PELeCON: #pelc12
PELeCON: The barbican tonight #pelc12
PELeCON: Sun setting on Roland Levinsky today #pelc12
PELeCON: My poor MacBook has taken a beating today!
PELeCON: Miles Berry asks us what education is for #pelc12
PELeCON: Keri Facer and Steve Wheeler
PELeCON: Miles berry asks what the purpose of education is. #pelc12 @mberry
PELeCON: Keri Facer keynoting
PELeCON: Keri Facer's keynote