36D VIEW: _DSC3127
Merrillie: Summer storms developing in the late afternoon over the countryside
36D VIEW: _DSC4158
-Faisal Aljunied - !!: Umbrella Time ☔️
Roland Bogush: Holy cliché, Batman! Robin about to take flight...
Lothbrok's Yen: Up To The Mountains
silvrmn: Dubious
ruthpphoto: Indigo Buntings
@Nitideces: Cuadriculados
Co lennings2011: Amsterdam
Frank Fullard: Abstract Butterfly
Frank van Dongen: You start me up
aaronrhawkins: Sunset on the Roller Coaster
-Faisal Aljunied - !!: Guangzhou - China
philnewton928: Rock Hopping.
ricklebaudour: Male Belted Kingfisher
ithyrsus: Guadalajara Kal.Jan.MMXXV
Roland Bogush: Fire and Ice - Greylag geese fly low over a frozen lake
Merrillie: Black-shouldered kite hovering in the early evening blue sky
Merrillie: Countryside and storm clouds with blue sky
Merrillie: Countryside and storm clouds with blue sky
Merrillie: Dorper sheep on the farm
NicoleW0000: Barred Owl
Finding Chris: A ballet in the sky
La Bikina: Joe Le Taxi
La Bikina: Death Kiss - Emissary Official
La Bikina: Born to Be Alive B&W