Sharon Frost: Sharkway: el seguimiento del progreso de la primavera. 11 de abril, 2014. (Tracking the progress of spring.)
MorningLove: I won’t be back here though we may meet again
EKT**: 014
Juan Rayos: moleskine02
Juan Rayos: Chinese Moleskine 06
Juan Rayos: Chinese Moleskine 10
redxjs: Mini Bums
Benya Acame: hace frio ahí fuera..
Vilma Picapiedra.: Love, love, love.
OldOnliner: First example of Seurat Painting Photo
Ivan Calabrese: Pasquale Urso
David's_silvershots: Sky Looking at the Weather
rfmueller: Spillway
Matsuo Basho: Promenade
Anatoleya: Monument in front of Buckingham Palace
Comtesse DeSpair: L'Arc de Triomphe
Comtesse DeSpair: Industrial Pastiche
angela_c_m: Roses
angela_c_m: Datura
varvara lozenko: 99070005
czuczy: a moment
rfmueller: Confusion