Lena and Igor: Sunrise in Dead Horse Point State Park. Utah, US
AGrinberg: Wall O' Water
keid*: LOVE & PEACE
howzey: Black Rhino
Fat Burns ☮: ♀ wanderer on cobbler's pegs (APS accepted version)
Chief Bwana: Life in a deathly place
bereb!: alfonso aguavil - hombre tsáchila
bereb!: chiara
Swaranjeet: Taking it easy on a glorious day . . . 20140714-PE7C4866-Edit-4
Swaranjeet: Seen in Otavalo market . . . 20140723-BK2W3946-Edit-8
alex_7719: Casper the friendly ghost
alex_7719: Galapagos lava lizard, Puerto Ayora, Santa Cruz, Galapagos
alex_7719: Above the ordinary, El Panecillo, Quito, Ecuador
Daran Kandasamy: The mist and the valley
Daran Kandasamy: Downtown Manhattan
Daran Kandasamy: Quilotoa, Ecuador
jokinzuru: Indígenas de Quilotoa, Ecuador
AndreHugosPlace: Dog Going For a Ride DSC_0055
Steven-CH: Guayaquil panorama at sunset
Steven-CH: Tren Crucero
Steven-CH: colourful Junin street Quito
Jill Clardy: High Above Quito
@amarulero: Musical Scale
hapulcu: Quito at Dusk
Marina CN: ... Quito
Cristobal Ocaña: Quito - Ecuador
Leslein: Quito!