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albums of MT Photographs
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Earthless - Crowbar 07-03-2019
The Electric Guitars - Tym Guitars Instore 13-10-2018
Walken & Arturos - Tym Instore 16-03-2018
Cable Ties and Sweater Curse - Tym Guitars Instore 09/02/2018
Tim and Kellie with The Steady As She Goes - Tym Guitars instore - 08-12-2017
No Sister & ∑gg√ein - Tym Instore 24-11-2017
White Dog - Tym Guitars instore 24-06-2017
Record Store Day 2017 - Tym Guitars 22-04-2017
Dorthia Cottrell and Sinister Haze - Tym Guitars Instore 03-04-2017
Hashshashin - Tym Guitars instore 04-03-2017
Heads of Charm & Tankerville - Tym Guitars 18-02-2017
Libby and Jeremy's Wedding - 14-01-2017
Christmas 2016
Gabba Test - Australia vs Pakistan 15-12-2016
Alex Giles and John Baizley - Tym Guitars popup 08-12-2016
My Steamer Trunk - Opening Day
Bloom Exhibition - The Old Bar Melbourne
The Nation Blue and Turnpike - Tym Instore - 24-11-2016
Isaiah Mitchell & Seedy Jeezus - Tym Guitars Instore 27-09-2016
Riverfire 2016
Kim Salmon - Tym Guitars Instore 28-06-2016
Ed Kuepper - Stranded 40th Anniversary Instore 06-08-2016
Record Store Day 2016 - Tym Guitars
Grant Hart - Tym Guitars Instore 06-03-2016
Barnbougle and The Lost Farm - 16th, 17th and 18th February 2016
Shellac - Tym Guitars Instore
Elder - Tym Guitars instore - 27-10-2015
Project Montreal - Brightside 25/10/2015
Earthless - The Corner Hotel - 23/10/2015
Kaleidoscope and Walken - Tym Guitars instore 04-10-2015
Cancer Bats Play Black Sabbath - Tym Guitars Instore 01-10-2015
Hydromedusa - Tym Guitars Instore - 30-08-2015
Budd - Tym Guitars Instore - 29-08-2015
The Hymies - Tym Guitars Instore 08-08-2015
Batpiss - Tym Guitars Instore 1-07-2015
Red Fang - Tym Guitars Instore 13-05-2015
Ed Kuepper - Tym Guitars Instore 03-05-2015
Record Store Day 2015 - Tym Guitars
Hoodoo Gurus - James Reyne - Diesel 07-03-2015
Christmas 2014
2014 India vs Aust - 2nd Test 17-12-2014
Tym Guitars - 09-11-2014
Seaweed Promo Photos
Pity Sex - Tym Guitars Instore 30-08-2014
Supersuckers - Tym Guitars Instore 19-06-2014
Steve Earle and the Dukes - The Tivoli 15-04-2014
Smith Street Band / The Menzingers - Tym Guitars Instore 12-03-2014
Roku Music / No Sister - Tym Instore 08-03-2014
Earthless and The Shrine - Melbourne 05-01-2014
Earthless, The Shrine and Eternal Elysium - HiFi Sydney - 04-01-2014
Earthless & The Shrine - Crowbar 03-01-2014
Christmas 2013
Pond - The Zoo - 14-12-2013
Hydromedusa - Tym Instore 16-11-2013
Swervedriver - The Zoo, Brisbane 26-09-2013
Tym Records Showcase - 12-09-2013
Cloud Control - The Tivoli 24-08-2013
Ash - The Hifi 21-08-2013
Longplayer Sessions - 16-08-2013
River of Snakes & Hotel Wrecking City Traders - Tym Instore 29-06-2013
White Walls - Tym Guitars instore 08-06-2013
Solkyri - Tym Instore 01-06-2013
Isaiah Mitchell - Transcontinental 16-05-2013
Isaiah Mitchell - Tym Instore 16-05-2013
Record Store Day 2013 - Tym Guitars
Dreamtime - Tym Instore 06-04-2013
Byron Bay Blues Festival 2013
J Mascis Heavy Blanket - Tym Guitars Instore 14-03-2013
Einstürzende Neubauten & Mick Harvey
The Demon Parade - Tym Guitars Instore 09-02-2013
Christmas 2012
Earthless - The Zoo 13-12-2012
Earthless - Tym Guitars Instore
Violent Soho - 23-11-2012
Chelsea Wolfe - Tym Guitars In-store 06-11-2012
The Arcolas - Tym Guitars in-store
Eagle Twin - Tym Guitars In-store 05-10-2012
Dumbsaint - Tym Guitars Instore 30-09-2012