grosbeak_1: Dawn of the new millenium--1/1/2000
grosbeak_1: Vanessa in a relay. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Vanessa's freestyle. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Vanessa, back row, and her swim team. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Vanessa and Rich in her room with sports and music medals—and Pineapple Pig is still in the picture! 2000.
grosbeak_1: Mary and Janice after V's All State Music Festival. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Rich and Vic at the reservoir. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Vanessa hugs Mr. Zimmerman at their final band concert. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Vanessa (center) with Mr. Zimmerman and friends. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Senior prom time. Vanessa and Rob. 2000.
grosbeak_1: V (3rd from left) with friends and their dates. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Vanessa running track. 2000.
grosbeak_1: A visit from Ruthie and Richard Stone. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Lazy afternoon on the Vineyard. Rich, Cliff, Bentley. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Rich and Cliff on the Vineyard ferry. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Vanessa's senior portrait. A Paul Cryan photo. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Excited sisters on V's graduation day. Vanessa, Rachel, 2000.
grosbeak_1: Vanessa's high school graduation day. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Family portrait. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Rachel and Vanessa. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Graduating high school friends. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Rich, Rachel, and Janice, still celebrating. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Rich at East Inlet, NH. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Vanessa and Rich canoeing in Madison, CT. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Dropping Vanessa off at TCNJ. Rich, Vanessa, Janice. 2000.
grosbeak_1: At the Bronxville train station with Grandma Mary, the first weekend after college started for Vanessa. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Vanessa and Rich at lunch in NYC. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Thanksgiving weekend hike with Bill's family. 2000.
grosbeak_1: Snowshoeing at People's State Forest. 2001.
grosbeak_1: Sallie and Hallie, just before their wedding. 2001.