grosbeak_1: St. Patrick's Cathedral on a sunny January day
grosbeak_1: Lunch at San Pietro
grosbeak_1: Our good waiter, who recited a long list of the day's specials with great verve.
grosbeak_1: Rich's tasty pasta with Italian cauliflower
grosbeak_1: Caccio e pepe with a Sicilian rose
grosbeak_1: Janice on 5th Av.
grosbeak_1: The Garden Court, the only place at the Frick where photos are permitted. So we took a few through the windows.
grosbeak_1: Far wall: Bellini. St. Francis in the Desert, c. 1476-8.
grosbeak_1: Right: Ingres; Comtesse d'Haussonville, 1845. Left: Thaulow; Winter in Norway, c. 1895
grosbeak_1: Rich with Veronese's St. Jerome in the Wilderness
grosbeak_1: On far wall: Hans Holbein. Sir Thomas More, 1527.
grosbeak_1: Titian. Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap, c. 1510
grosbeak_1: On far wall: Ingress. Comtesse d' Haussonville, 1845.
grosbeak_1: Walking along Central Park on 5th Av. to the Met
grosbeak_1: Walking along Central Park on 5th Av. to the Met
grosbeak_1: Central Park
grosbeak_1: Rich at the Met
grosbeak_1: Rich--finally happy to be where he can photograph art
grosbeak_1: Berlinghiero. Madonna and Child, perhaps 1230's
grosbeak_1: Carlo Crivelli. Pieta, 1476.
grosbeak_1: Alessandro Botticelli. The Last Communion of St. Jerome, early 1490's.
grosbeak_1: Vittore Carpaccio. The Meditation on the Passion, c. 1490
grosbeak_1: Giovanni Bellini. Madonna Adoring the Sleeping Child, mid 1460's
grosbeak_1: Fra Filippo Lippi. Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels, c. 1440
grosbeak_1: Simone Martini. St. Andrew, c. 1326.
grosbeak_1: Giovanni Bellini. Madonna and Child, late 1480's
grosbeak_1: Luca Signorelli, Madonna and Child. He gave this painting as a gift to his daughter in 1509.
grosbeak_1: Giovanni di Paolo. Saints Matthew and Francis, c. 1435
grosbeak_1: Titian. Venus and Adonis
grosbeak_1: Paolo Veronese. Alessandro Vittoria