Squishy*: Skytower
Squishy*: Auckland by Night
Squishy*: Whangarei Falls
Squishy*: Skytower
Squishy*: Coney Island
Squishy*: Rainforest!
Squishy*: Opera House by night
Squishy*: Penny in colour
Squishy*: Kabita
Squishy*: Meditating on the roof
Squishy*: Typeface
Squishy*: Luna Park
Squishy*: Goddess Of Tibet
Squishy*: EVEREST!
Squishy*: "Do Not Enter"
Squishy*: Mmmmm Mokaba
Squishy*: Stupa at Kopan Monastery
Squishy*: Rainbow
Squishy*: Chillies
Squishy*: Our Host Family's House
Squishy*: Route1
Squishy*: Sundial
Squishy*: Purple Potato!
Squishy*: Fern
Squishy*: Prayer Flags
Squishy*: Maori War Canoe
Squishy*: Bay of Islands
Squishy*: Cafler Park, Whangarei
Squishy*: View from Cape Reinga
Squishy*: Far From Home