Squishy*: Hull Waterfront
Squishy*: Jonathan
Squishy*: Switzerland
Squishy*: Och Aye The Noo! Scotland here we come!
Squishy*: Edinburgh, to be precise!
Squishy*: Edinburgh Castle
Squishy*: Scottish Parliament
Squishy*: The Queen's House
Squishy*: King Arthur's Seat
Squishy*: City View
Squishy*: Allotment 'Shed'
Squishy*: Apples
Squishy*: a pint of the black stuff
Squishy*: open top bus tour!
Squishy*: Baby Rory
Squishy*: Anna and Lynne!
Squishy*: North Jersey Coastline
Squishy*: *sparkly lights*
Squishy*: Peace
Squishy*: Eiffel Tower
Squishy*: Seine
Squishy*: Glass Pyramid at The Louvre
Squishy*: Sacre Couer
Squishy*: Bumblebee!
Squishy*: Grasshopper
Squishy*: View of the valley
Squishy*: St Christophe
Squishy*: Montreux
Squishy*: Fountain on Lake Geneva