rthrelkeld: GulfWar2017-451
rthrelkeld: WarOfRams2016-156
racaire: DSC00045
rthrelkeld: GulfWar2015-252
rthrelkeld: GulfWar2015-251
rthrelkeld: Pennsic2014-470
Secorgardens: The EGG - Shattered Reflection
KagedFish: Striped Egg
wtwlf123: The Egg [Explored! #497]
tugboat1952: eggs and shadows
Angelica Mischa: No pressure...
Ben Alford: DSCF5258
anngeedee: Photo + Haiku, day 13. and, Reflections!
doug_willison: Reflection
Jean-Yves TRAN: JAYWAii DEDPXL Assignment - REFLECTION-6
Chapman Burnett: Reflecting in the Barbershop
phillip c reed: 610_2870
As I SeeIt (Cindy): Shadow Tea
Rocky Road of Life: Contradiction of Left and Right
tcreamer108: best buds
ddouriet: pattern-1070532.jpg
shooter1229: Columns, Light, Shadow
Bisse: stacked high
Laura201106: asignacion02 (11 of 23).jpg
Curio Obscura: land-of-rubber-spikes