Zino2009 (bob van den berg): the dark forest IX
Zino2009 (bob van den berg): the dark forest X
barbaracoccigatti55: Caro Babbo Natale, le prossime festività le vorrei così! Crevari, Genova
Kosmo Foto: You'll never walk alone
bokeh.es: Bokeh flower
nawyvonbrandy: FUJI X
405 Mi16: Fuji X-T2
405 Mi16: Fuji X-E1
405 Mi16: Fuji X-E1
Thoschm: 20230917_105455
CVIja(x): Night Fence'h
natur-heimat: Winter forest (B&W)
kodl68: umbrella
Kazkar: Icicles
SonyAlpha.blog by Marc Alhadeff Photography: F4, Laowa 10mm F4 Cookie- ISO 100-1-250 s 069