Oliver Gierke:
Genial unübliches Setting für coole Grooves… nice! #julianeswildebande
Oliver Gierke:
Boarding DRS to FRA for a surprise visit to #jaxcon2017…👏
Oliver Gierke:
The office last night… #latergram #meincfmoment #cfmw
Oliver Gierke:
It's a set up! #EYLA #cfwm #meincfmoment
Oliver Gierke:
Warten… #EYLA #aaa #cfmw
Oliver Gierke:
Gig day! Everything packed for #EYLA at Campusfestival Mittweida tonight…
Oliver Gierke:
Current status… 😻 #katerpino
Oliver Gierke:
Current status: #Caturday… #katerbeauford
Oliver Gierke:
Found a great pic of @wallisbirdofficial… Ten years old… 😱
Oliver Gierke:
Schnee im April… #Dresden
Oliver Gierke:
Baustellenradio… #rockbox
Oliver Gierke:
Current status… #katerbeauford
Oliver Gierke:
Managed to grab a copy of the most recent #JavaMagazin featuring our editorial article about #Spring5… 🎉
Oliver Gierke:
At the mothership… #pivotal #springdata
Oliver Gierke:
Good morning, #Berlin! 👋 #SpringData #teammeeting
Oliver Gierke:
Funny to see this so close to a Dave Matthews concert venue… #dmb #warehouse
Oliver Gierke:
#symmetry #jugsaxony #jugsaxonycamp
Oliver Gierke:
"Come and see / I swear by now I'm playing time against my trouble…" #dmb #davematthews
Oliver Gierke:
Current status… #dmb #davematthews
Oliver Gierke:
Back to where the carpet is… #latergram #drums #evans #bebopkit
Oliver Gierke:
Like the spirit of this place… #javaland
Oliver Gierke:
It's this time of the year again… #javaland #dmb #uttad
Oliver Gierke:
Oliver Gierke:
Current status... #Dresden
Oliver Gierke:
Magic hands at work… #eyla #studio #recording
Oliver Gierke:
Studio: day two, overdubs… #eyla #recording #studio #neve
Oliver Gierke:
Mic setup, check! #EYLA
Oliver Gierke:
Gear shot! Kit: @yamahadrumsofficial Absolute Hybrid Maple Vintage Natural in 22/10/12/14/16, 13x6,5 Blei Custom Drums Snare, @masshoffdrums snare wires. Cymbals (@muratdirilcymbals, to right): 15" Atatürk HiHat, 19" Renaissance Thin Crash, 10" Renaissan
Oliver Gierke:
Drum tuning, check! Big thanks to Björn Kerstan to find that sound… #EYLA #pinkbeater #outforblood
Oliver Gierke:
New working clothes arrived… \o/ #java #javachampions #latergram