James Frazier (Nashville TN): This Black Beaked Magpie was quite friendly...DSC01152-01
jimro88: A composite of a rainy day Saint Mary's church Blackbrook England
jimro88: Magpie in the rain
jimro88: Church of England Chapel in StHelens cemertery England
jimro88: Church of England Chapel in StHelens cemertery England
rafael.mantesso: photo by my friend @anaslika
Alison T23: "When I was a child I ate far too many sweets" (Explored)
Susan Newgewirtz: Look I am touching the water
nick edge: Preparing to dive
jimro88: Bald Eagle
jimro88: Robin.
dlcarpenter1970: caught in the act
dlcarpenter1970: watchful eye
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Pete the Parrot taken at Parrot Island TN. DSC03789-01a
James Frazier (Nashville TN): Eastern Tiger Swallowtail DSC01711-01