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albums of willapalens
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Lori trying a nikon.
Morning with birds
Morning on the Palix
Sand to Shorebird
Benthic Diatom & Biofilm Habitat with Contrast to Ghost Shrimp Area
Willapa Bay Intertidal Mudflat
Keystone Corophium
Willapa Bay - Loss of Primary Productivity
Comment on the Willapa benthic
Benthic Modification by Ghost Shrimp
Reestablishing the intertidal food web
Test F & Post Treatment Response of the Benthic Biota
Rest Time for Marbled Godwits
Willapa Bay a Tidewater Place
The Demise of the RV Hero
Micromoths & NA Distribution
0-1075 Tineoidea, Oecophoridae and Elachistidae
1076-2311 Coleophoridae-Gelechiidae
2312-2700 Copromorphoidea-Acrolepiidae-Sesiidae-Choreutidae-Cossidae
2701-2866 Tortricidae - Olethreuthini
2876-3399 Tortricidae - Eucosmini
3400-4702 Tortricidae Grapholitini, Tortricini, Cnephasiini, Archipini
4703-5509 Crambidae
5510-6075 Pyralidae
6076-6234 Pterophoridae (aslo Thyrididae)
6235-6255 Drepanoidea
6256-6762 Geometridae
6763-7011 Geometridae
7012-7181 Geometridae
7182-7195 Geometridae
7196-7270 Geometridae
7271-7360 Geometridae
7361-7444 Geometridae
7445-7625 Eupithecia mainly
7895-8032 Notodontidae
8033-8321 Arctiidae & Lymantriidae
8322-8769 Noctuidae
8770-8998 Noctuidae
8999-9324 Noctuidae
9325-9872 Noctuidae Amphipyrinae
9873-10217 Noctuidae: Cucillinae
10218-10640 Noctuidae: Hadeninae
10641-11068 Noctuidae: Noctuinae
MOTHS: New or Uncertain Species
Moths Lost Summer 2010
Intercontinental Moths; My Backyard and Eurasia
The Zeiraphera Groupings; Images and Comments
Remarks on Zeiraphera and Beringa
Flight of Acleris gloveranus Sept. 2013
3M (Macro, Micro, Misc.)
Willapa Bird Notes from Bay Center
Cell Phone Around Home Photos by Daughter Lori
Nearby areas to the Willapa
Bay Center; Around Home
Home Recipes
Bay Center Area
Eastern Oysters in Willapa Bay; Late 19th - Early 20th Century
Giro's Journey and a Celebration of Life
Farming the Edge of the Sea
OYSTERS & MORE - Recipes for oysters and clams
Clams of NW Coastal Bays
Examples of single oyster dishes
Other Oyster Plate Manufactures
Haviland and Company Oyster PLates - History
Exampes of Oyster plate varieties
Oyster related items
Shipping: shellfish and fishery labels, cans, etc.
Michigan Pleistocene and Recent Vertebrates
Pliocene Vertebrate Assemblage Kansas
Fossil Preparation
Misc. science notes, comments, etc.
Desktop Images
Wilson Family
Soccer 2007 U10
Soccer 2007 U8
Soccer 2007 U6
Additional moths 10479 - 10495 Noctuidae -Orthosia
Orthosia hibisci/praeses variation
Specimens with BOLD DNA sequences 2009-2012
Moths Sans DNA After April 2012
PCSGA Annual Meeting 2010
Desktop Images
Greeting Card Set
San Diego Christmas 2007
2008 Annual Meeting PCSGA-Lake Chelan and Campbell's Resort
2007 Mt. Hood Trip and Seasonal Setting