Thomas Shahan 3: mites under log
Thomas Shahan 3: springtail raft
matthamer2: Fly with a pseudoscorp passenger
matthamer2: Fly with a pseudoscorp passenger
Gilles San Martin: Solva marginata larvae
david.beadle: Notiphilides (Soil Centipedes) - Balsas, Amazonas Department, Peru
Michal Kukla: Colobopsis truncata
antonsrkn: Tree Boa at Dusk
nickybay: Nose-horned chameleon (Calumma nasutum) - DSC_1134
LowellTyler: IMG_4999-Edit
LowellTyler: IMG_6095-Edit
LowellTyler: IMG_5905-Edit
mr.sansibar: Ceriodaphnia
myriorama: pond larva
NHM WASPS: Leucospis regalis Westwood, 1874
Gilles San Martin: Male human head louse
cotinis: Totality, Sylva NC (1)
JFCART: Larve-Stratiomyidae_2293
aaronbloch554: Echis carinatus
markhortonphotography: Vertagopus arboreus
tho.pieper: Calliphoridae - Chrysomya megacephala / Teneriffa El Poris
zgrkrmblr: A Green Shield
Thomas Shahan 2: Pixel Art Salticid Courtship
Ana Rita Goncalves: Blephariceridae
Alan Cressler: Geotrupes splendidus, Appalachian Trail, Double Spring Knob, Chattahoochee National Forest, Towns County, Georgia 2
nickybay: Flat bug (Aradidae) - DSC_9297
Zorotypus: Leafhopper
Siegfried Tremel: Parasol mushrooms
Franziska Bauer: The life of a Rusty Tussock female