Matt Bertone: lesser house fly (Fanniidae)
Matt Bertone: cobweb spider with egg sac (Theridiidae)
Matt Bertone: stingless bees on palm flower (Apidae)
Matt Bertone: stingless bees on palm flower (Apidae)
Matt Bertone: stingless bees on palm flower (Apidae)
Matt Bertone: stingless bees on palm flower (Apidae)
Matt Bertone: caterpillar frass
Matt Bertone: dung beetle (Scarabaeidae)
Matt Bertone: dung beetle (Scarabaeidae)2
Matt Bertone: rove beetle (Staphylinidae)
Matt Bertone: rove beetle (Staphylinidae)
Matt Bertone: checkered beetle (Cleridae)
Matt Bertone: male bison wasp (Eucharitidae)
Matt Bertone: male bison wasp (Eucharitidae)
Matt Bertone: dance flies mating (Empididae)
Matt Bertone: dance flies mating (Empididae)
Matt Bertone: mosquito (Culicidae)
Matt Bertone: army ants (Formicidae)
Matt Bertone: army ants (Formicidae)
Matt Bertone: army ants (Formicidae)
Matt Bertone: army ants (Formicidae)
Matt Bertone: army ants (Formicidae)
Matt Bertone: army ants (Formicidae)
Matt Bertone: vinegar flies (Drosophilidae)
Matt Bertone: katydid (Tettigoniidae)
Matt Bertone: ant (Formicidae)
Matt Bertone: tree nest with plants
Matt Bertone: weevil (Curculionidae)
Matt Bertone: derbid planthopper (Derbidae)
Matt Bertone: small robber fly (Asilidae)