mechanori: yeah
mechanori: under the tappan zee bridge; 12am
mechanori: d.b.; early spring
mechanori: coyle street; toy camera; summer of 2009
mechanori: alex's truck; toy camera; summer of 2009
mechanori: couch; tripping tree; sunset
mechanori: max!!
mechanori: kelly's studio
mechanori: deyoncé; black mass bike ride 2012
mechanori: breakfast in new hampshire
mechanori: untitled
mechanori: o.w. and deyoncé
mechanori: faggy ghosts in the skatepark, 3am
mechanori: middle finger and a party boat
mechanori: new hampshire d o o m s c a p e
mechanori: bear
mechanori: montana, maybe
mechanori: pittsburgh
mechanori: bennie
mechanori: new jersey
mechanori: bad dad
mechanori: bye tim
mechanori: the skatepark
mechanori: ScannedImage
mechanori: tumblr_m7kuipMNWO1rz5106o1_r3_1280
mechanori: frank o'hara on the phone
mechanori: frank o'hara on the phone
mechanori: frank o'hara
mechanori: mom and dad
mechanori: me and marina