raehein: “Each day offers us the gift of being a special occasion if we can simply learn that as well as giving, it is blessed to receive with grace and a grateful heart.”
~Ella: |My thoughts|
abbietabbie: My nemesis .......
duqueıros: Sleeping Janis
duqueıros: close your eyes…
michiphotokan: Seen#002
Dunja0712: City Lights
michiphotokan: Seen#010
tanakawho: A gift from the rain
Cathboon: Fragile play in shadows
Cathboon: front row off centre, diving in
∆ toma ϟ: | 6 - 5 - 1 - 4 |
∆ toma ϟ: | A l o n e |
birglet: view from Mt Tam
_ n a t u r a l _: ... love is everywhere!
Velvet G: Late bloomer
Velvet G: Leaf
dolcedo: solitude...