DoubleA_120: Got a tattoo niggas
DoubleA_120: Aye FOLLOW my homie Brandan Birt. He's got some rare shoes and is very legit. bradanbirt
DoubleA_120: Just want to thank the Flickr fam... As I committed to wrestle at Heidelberg University next fall. SO GIVE ME RED RULONS!
DoubleA_120: Orange rulons 8.5/10 cond PayPal gift 240 size 9.
DoubleA_120: 160 PayPal right now they are yours. Size 9 8.5/10 cond.
DoubleA_120: BUY MY FUCKING SHIT! I'll let rulons go for 240 PayPal gift right now. They have mostly all pumps no flaws. 8.5/10 cond. freaks will go for 160. All my singlets $20-$50. Need spending cash in Mexico!!!! Help a brotha out.
DoubleA_120: Going to canun and need some spending cash so I will listen to ALL offers. BUY MY SHIT...please. Rulons, freaks, and aggressor 1's are size 9. Varners are 9.5. Singles range from AXS-AM. PAYPAL GIFT.
DoubleA_120: A successful senior year... Didn't make my goal but ready to move on to the next level. Now buy my shit!!!!!! All size 9-9.5. All in 8.5-9/10 condition.
DoubleA_120: When you don't have to weigh in for seven days.
DoubleA_120: The squad on senior night with the icy whites(;
DoubleA_120: They are so slick 😎 no tags fit 9. Fs/good trade. 8.5/10 cond.
DoubleA_120: Varners are Lbn size 9.5. Rulons - size 9 9/10 cond with a lot of bumps still. 360's size 9... 8.5/10 cond. freaks are no tags fit 9 9.5 a little snug. 9/10 cond with some waves left. All fs/t.
DoubleA_120: Who will be at the UNI dome Saturday? Comment what your bringing .I'm bring size 9 360's, orange rulons, and black freaks. Fs/t
DoubleA_120: I guess you could say I like nike. All size 9-9.5. Cond: 9/10KOLATS ARE GONE.
DoubleA_120: #nike size 9 on both. Great condition. Fs/t.
DoubleA_120: All fs/t 9-9.5. All flawless.
DoubleA_120: OTW size 9.5.
DoubleA_120: Size 9-10.5 wrestling shoes only
DoubleA_120: I love mail day size 9 8.5/10 condition no flaws.
DoubleA_120: Comfiest shoe in my opinion. Lbn 9.5/10 cond all bumps and waves no chipping. Fs/t but has to be a very good offer.
DoubleA_120: All fit AS-AM. Fs/t
DoubleA_120: I love mail day <3
DoubleA_120: Anyone got cool socks to go with these babies? Size 10 lbn nfst atm. Just need socks hook me up!
DoubleA_120: Nike ultra combatants size 8.5 8/10 condition looking to trade for singlets or cash. I need em gone so offer up!
DoubleA_120: Fs/t size as
DoubleA_120: Fs/t size axs very stretchy though fits me at 130
DoubleA_120: Comment if you have done a deal with me.
DoubleA_120: Custom agressor 2's turned out pretty good. Offer up. They are lbn with all bumps.
DoubleA_120: Nmp really looking to buy some ogs size 9-10.5. Condition 7/10