leedav: Garden Grub 79:120
leedav: 20:365:2014
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JsnBkr: 20140119-DSC_1396
JsnBkr: 20140119-DSC_1368
JsnBkr: 20140119-DSC_1391
leedav: To-Ma-Toes
rachellake: tomato pie w/my heirloom tomatoes. there's a layer of homemade tomato jam under there
leedav: Farm Lunch Friday-this week. Veggie extravaganza!
helloyarn: Summer is Here!
rachellake: purple beans and yellow tomatoes. nature is neat.
helloyarn: Cream Scone and Gooseberry Jam
A Trio Beautiful: Modern Maples Quilt Top Finish
BlueElephantStitches: Pow Wow Quilt
Pretty Bobbins: Starry Skies top 2
Sew Katie Did: Barn Star Quilt
keep em in stitches: Half Square Triangle Man-Quilt: Front
QuiltsByEmily: Star quilt
leedav: 172:365
sarah7112009: sampler
rachellake: there was a bogo sale on perennials, so I pulled the peas & made a pollinator bed in between the veggies
kelp!: constellations quilt! it's only 42" so i'm planning on making it bigger.
rachellake: shelbourne falls staple dress
leedav: 146:365
rachellake: state of the garden 5/22
leedav: 130:365
doggedknits: Indigo bunting? Blue grosbeak?
helloyarn: Labneh with Walnut Salsa
helloyarn: Magic Custard Cake