Viola Cangi: via Indipendenza n°66
anna☆morosini: blind faith.
anna☆morosini: blumarine.
wiredforlego: Flying Umbrella Kick
-icy-: Welling court mural project / Queens / NY
Le Dieu of Volcanoes: Le cri du paon
Le Dieu of Volcanoes: Village de Saint-Chély-du-Tarn et sa cascade (Gorges du Tarn - Lozère)
s0t: DREAM / Brooklyn , NYC
Bedford Bowery: NDA and Sot
s0t: SK8 OR DIE at skate brooklyn
s0t: icy and sot / Brooklyn, NY
s0t: The old / brooklyn ,NY
s0t: DREAM / Brooklyn, NYC
Nicole Blommers: KARMA @ Amsterdam
Toxicómano: Y no sirve de nada que sigas callada...
dprezat: ICY and SOT
Stephskimo: C215 in Plaza de la Vila de Gracia
bumblebeelovesyou: Somewhere I'd Rather Bee (front)
inventar no es mentir es crear: continuidad angular
Kαtyefamy: Umano troppo umano Human All Too Human
rafaluna: babilonia de cristal
_Kriebel_: Brussels