Malu2711: I am the bee queen in the Modern Cologne Bee and this is my block.
Malu2711: The January block for @hohenbrunnerquilterin in the To be a bee.
Malu2711: My to do list for 2019.
Malu2711: 6 UFO-quilts are finished. I am so proud. Thaank you Modern Cologne Quilters for cheering me up.
Malu2711: My Cross It quilt started in a class with @zenchicmoda in June 2015
Malu2711: A trip around the world block for the ladies in the To be a Bee bee.
Malu2711: 4 Blocks for my bee mates. The two blocks in the top row for Iva Steiner and @quiltmi14 in the To be a bee and the two other blocks for @naehrenate and @finefabric from the Modern Cologne Bee.
Malu2711: A longarm class with Helen from Sew Kind of Wonderful at Quiltfest in Suderburg @sewkindofwonderful
Malu2711: My bee blocks from June and July in the To be a Bee Nd the Modern Cologne Bee for Eva Leisure easypatchwork Chris Esser and Verena .
Malu2711: Bee blocks
Malu2711: My Clarity Quilt is almost done. The binding is missing. The quilt was started in a class with Brigitte Heitland in June 2016.
Malu2711: My bee blocks for Sandra @hohenbrunnerquilterin, Alex alexpilms und Sabine Sabine in the To be a Bee and the Modern Cologne Bee
Malu2711: The January block for alexpilms in the To be a Bee.
Malu2711: My block for Sanna in the Modern Cologne Bee
Malu2711: Not so easy the whale for AC genäht am See in the to be a bee group.
Malu2711: A bag for julchen janke in our yearly Modern Cologne Quilters meeting
Malu2711: The October bee block for creativekitty in the Modern Cologne Bee. What a great block!
Malu2711: I finished my lonestar quilt rather as a circle than as a star and I am totally happy with it. Thank you Andrea @quiltmanufaktur for a great workshop.
Malu2711: My Improv Stripes Quilt is done. Even the striped binding is attached. I cannot believe it. Thank you Debbie for the quilt along.
Malu2711: A quilt with the wonky flying geese of the 12 curvy bowlegged bees. I asked for wonky black and white flying geese. Thank you, ladies.
Malu2711: Mein Beequilt aus der To be a Bee ist fertig. So schnell war ich noch nie. Mein Monat war der Juni. Danke, Ladies, für eure Hilfe.
Malu2711: The bee weekend in Randersacker. These are my finishes.
Malu2711: Four samplers with freemotion quilting motifs made in the machine quilting blog hop of @kristin_esser @stringandstory @quiltinjenny and @vickilholloway . Great fun and now I have a reference.
Malu2711: Meine Beeblöcke aus der To be a Bee trudeln ein und ich produziere fleissig die Zwischenblöcke. Mein Danke geht an alexpilms Eva Leisure libellenquilts Quilt-Mi @[u:12054294
Malu2711: 2017-06-20_09-10-19
Malu2711: I almost finished my table runner that I atarted in the workshop with Brigitte Heitland. I added matchstich quilting.
Malu2711: Und hier kommt der Juni-Block in der To Be a Bee. Die Umschläge sollten heute oder morgen in Euren Beiefkästen sein. Viel Spass beim Nähen.
Malu2711: Mein Bee-Block in der To be A Bee für Juni. Der Block ist ein ganz leichter Block. Ihr werdet ihn in kürzester Zeit fertig haben und könnt sofort wieder in die Sonne gehen.
Malu2711: A Caravan Tote Made with book screws and a leather handle.
Malu2711: The To be a Bee quilt is almost done. Thank you ladies.