yannick Loncle: wreck VI
yannick Loncle: queen dreaming
yannick Loncle: one night on earth
yannick Loncle: foxtrot (find a burrow before the cold winter)
yannick Loncle: ballad on the moor
yannick Loncle: relic II
yannick Loncle: gaelic storm
yannick Loncle: Fiat homo « Que l'homme soit. »
yannick Loncle: free (in a dried world)
yannick Loncle: portrait III
yannick Loncle: in dusty light
yannick Loncle: wreck IV
yannick Loncle: Demain le monde
yannick Loncle: under the moon
yannick Loncle: space waste
yannick Loncle: the outside area
yannick Loncle: full moon
yannick Loncle: black-out
yannick Loncle: ceremony
yannick Loncle: migration
yannick Loncle: the docks
yannick Loncle: on the edge of the chasm
yannick Loncle: green is the colour
yannick Loncle: landscape IV
yannick Loncle: moonlight