TheFieldSchool: IMG_2265
petescully: teaching learning complex sept 2020
petescully: E St davis 102520
petescully: avid reader bookstore, davis
@24k: Amtrak Train Station in Davis, CA.
j.a.kok: westelijke laagland gorilla burgerszoo JN6A8638
pbertain: Tennessee Valley & Beach
MarthaK: Martha headshot2015
petescully: barman at pete's
arlen: Can you hear me now?
petescully: british bulldog
Tim SiLva / HoT LaVa MoNsteR: 081/365 :: Captain Kirk
Hillel Eflal: Davis, CA
Wayne Tilcock: Old SP Train Depot, Davis, CA
jordan.jones: Rodin, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal
petescully: Walker Hall and Shields Library
robroyworldwide: Jesus saves
petescully: SF view of Golden Gate sm
arlen: UC Davis
TiffK: 20150701-untitled shoot-DSC00001.jpg
petescully: community church davis panorama
kim.tackett: Yolo Wildlife Basin
hungben12: Which way is up?
Grudnick: img694
mgrass: A Glover Park Alleyway, Behind 37th Street NW
jondoeforty1: Los Angeles Skyline Dodger Stadium Sept 19 2008
Gilderic Photography: Prison Paradise
Edyta@: prison window