FletchImages: Fuji X-E1, Fujinon XF 35mm f/1.4 R by Fujifilm
agedsenator: Arch.'60. Galleria Umberto
Valerio Farina: ceres strong
jkarlssonphotography: portrait of an artist
risquillo: Resting
wolfgangfoto: styrian farmer
wolfgangfoto: love of snails
wolfgangfoto: white horse 1
racingsquirrel: Place du Carrousel
Stoned59: El huracán "piqueta municipal" a su paso por Badalona
risquillo: Otra vez ..................
risquillo: Llegando
*squall*: PRISONER...
Cajaflez: Floris and a lot of his fluf.
magda indigo: PERMEKE'S PALETTE
agedsenator: Arch.'54- Ischia-Un caffè
floridapfe: Fennec fox
frédus: Le chantier
Whatnametochoose: mountain of cakes
marbovcar: Dia sombrío en un pueblo cualquiera
Deo Villasante: Darsena final
Deo Villasante: Sanjuanbn
Deo Villasante: temporal en la playa 4
* galaad *: Nature = Structure
Janey Kay: 93/366 Flamenco