Bruce.Johnson: Finally done with first year of college, back to the nature and excited to be back into photography! First sunset of my summer on Cape Cod
mikeyp2000: iPad in the dark
Fouquier: Crucify Me
modestino68: Land of green...
nansya: IMG_0803
tapeda: Mi primer capuchino
wentloog: Llywelyn ap Gruffydd Fychan of Caeo at Llandovery Castle
nansya: IMG_5571
nansya: IMG_5628
Sultan Sultani: _DSC5670
nacho.limetre: Ponte dos Tirantes
mikeyp2000: Ellie
modestino68: Oscuramente forte e' la vita...
ashleyisfree: I didn't take these, but this is my handsome nephew and my gorgeous niece. Love them
ashleyisfree: My handsome nephew, Dane
Daroo Ulises: Reja verde - Green sweep
jpboiste: lightroom_4228
jpboiste: lightroom_4240
jpboiste: lightroom_4244
Nachosll: Playa América (Nigrán)
wentloog: Trees and Daffodils
wentloog: Cliff Mist
nansya: IMG_4972
modestino68: Soul kitchen...
jpboiste: lightroom_4423
Jcoral75: Humanity
wentloog: Brecon Cloudscape
mikeyp2000: Tired Legs