The Bald Eagle1: 70gl. Reef Tank
The Bald Eagle1: Scooter Blenny
The Bald Eagle1: Spotted Mandarin
The Bald Eagle1: Kenya Tree Leather Coral
The Bald Eagle1: Percula Clownfish
The Bald Eagle1: Percula/Bubble Tip Anemone.
The Bald Eagle1: Maroon Clownfish/Bubble Tip Anemone
The Bald Eagle1: Six-Line Warasse.
The Bald Eagle1: Xenia Coral.
The Bald Eagle1: Blue-Legged Hermit Crab
The Bald Eagle1: Baby Kenya Leather
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4800
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4804
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4789
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4850
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4792
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4781
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4748
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4745
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4736
The Bald Eagle1: Help, I'm Stuck.
The Bald Eagle1: A very curious Frog
The Bald Eagle1: Poison Dart Frog.
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4713
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4707
The Bald Eagle1: Red Spitting Cobra
The Bald Eagle1: Black Mamba
The Bald Eagle1: IMG_4695
The Bald Eagle1: Rough Scaled Python