Oxbow_Lebach: IMG_0551.JPG
Oxbow_Lebach: IMG_0556.JPG
Oxbow_Lebach: IMG_0555.JPG
Oxbow_Lebach: IMG_0546.JPG
Oxbow_Lebach: DSC09370.JPG
Oxbow_Lebach: DSC09368.JPG
Oxbow_Lebach: DSC09940.JPG
Oxbow_Lebach: DSC09941.JPG
Oxbow_Lebach: DSC09946.JPG
Moon Rhythm: You can go your own way
Moon Rhythm: Cucumbers
Moon Rhythm: Bell Peppers
Moon Rhythm: Hot peppers
Moon Rhythm: Jalapeno
Moon Rhythm: The tired ones
natureloving: Common Glider Butterfly (Neptis Sappho)
natureloving: Iris Quelle Classe !!
natureloving: Barn Swallow (Hirundo Rustica)
natureloving: Rose Apple Flower (Syzygium jambos)
natureloving: Chinese Fishing Net
natureloving: Shirley Poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
JK>: So soft and delicate..
JK>: So soft and delicate..
JK>: My take on chicken enchiladas.
JK>: Supper time...
JK>: Miss my cup of joe in the mornings.
JK>: Chrysanthemums..