Monocle: Walk like an Egyptian
Monocle: Tweedy Triceps
Monocle: More iron!
Monocle: Most im-pressed!
Monocle: By jove! Buy Christmas!!
Monocle: Tyrannosaurus Wrecks
Monocle: Be seeing you
Monocle: High art
Monocle: Steve adore
Monocle: Curious tomes in my possession
Monocle: I have been losing weight!
Monocle: Has she got naughty eyes?
Monocle: No squirrels were harmed in the making of this photograph
Monocle: Don't try this at home!
Monocle: Drawn in
Monocle: The mechanical pig
Monocle: Mum's the word!
Monocle: Did your dad travel a lot, too?
Monocle: Wearing genes
Monocle: Shop lift
Monocle: Pixelated pachyderm
Monocle: Lot oh!
Monocle: Cupid's beaux
Monocle: In the pink
Monocle: Heaven
Monocle: Hell
Monocle: Take on me
Monocle: Well red
Monocle: a-ha
Monocle: Don't bank on it!