georgewashington42: 1490 Somewhat clearing
georgewashington42: 1501 Mt Hood
georgewashington42: 1856 Old home and Mt Adams
georgewashington42: 4024b Mt. Baker
georgewashington42: 4563 Italian side of Mont Blanc
georgewashington42: 0337 Mt Hood
georgewashington42: 0323 Windmill and Mt Hood
georgewashington42: 0804e Mount Hood and the end of the day
georgewashington42: 2417 Training Time
georgewashington42: 2437 View from Training area
georgewashington42: 4511 Mont Blanc
georgewashington42: Two Mts tkn 6 26 07
georgewashington42: XTi_0924 Hood at sunset
georgewashington42: S3iS_6098 Setting Sun
georgewashington42: 6177 Mt Adams
georgewashington42: S3_6149 Mt St Helens
georgewashington42: XTi1668 Old school and Mt Hood
georgewashington42: XTi1945 Mt Adams, WA
georgewashington42: S3is6977 Mt Hood and the Columbia river
georgewashington42: XTi2213 Stone Henge
georgewashington42: XTi_2418 Mt. Hood
georgewashington42: 7933 Old School and Mt Hood
georgewashington42: March 3, 2009
georgewashington42: S3is_8248 Mt. Adams
georgewashington42: 8249 Mt St Helens b&w
georgewashington42: 3289 Mt Hood
georgewashington42: IMG_3991 Flowers on Dalles Mt
georgewashington42: 3941c Mt Adams and Mt Rainier
georgewashington42: IMG_4542 Mt Hood