georgewashington42: AIMG_1747R
georgewashington42: Copy 2 of December 30, 2000 (8
georgewashington42: Old School before and after
georgewashington42: IMG_3551CA2
georgewashington42: Moon Rising
georgewashington42: July 3 Rainbow
georgewashington42: Lightning July 8, 2012 r2
georgewashington42: IMG_1812CR
georgewashington42: IMG_1712CR
georgewashington42: IMG_1706AC
georgewashington42: IMG_1668CR
georgewashington42: IMG-1133ACTR
georgewashington42: Cooper's Hawk
georgewashington42: IMG_0938Moon
georgewashington42: 1-2-12 sunrise
georgewashington42: 12-24-2011
georgewashington42: December 2011
georgewashington42: Dec 9,2011
georgewashington42: Mule Deer Nov 4, 2011
georgewashington42: Western Meadow Lark IM-0308
georgewashington42: Smokey sunrise
georgewashington42: Rainbow 1-13-11
georgewashington42: Sunrise 1-4-11
georgewashington42: 2 point 1-22-11
georgewashington42: 2 does 1-22-11
georgewashington42: Snow on Mt Hood