georgewashington42: 2077 Better days have past
georgewashington42: 2157 moving cattle
georgewashington42: 2170 Cattle
georgewashington42: H0737 The sky is the limit
georgewashington42: 4250 Combine and Mt Hood
georgewashington42: 4261 Long driveway
georgewashington42: 0317 Someone used to live here
georgewashington42: 4147 Threshing wheat
georgewashington42: IMG_6214 5 days old
georgewashington42: IMG_6222 What happened to Spring
georgewashington42: XTi2909 Spring Work
georgewashington42: IMG_9240 Hayrack
georgewashington42: IMG_9469 Theshing wheat
georgewashington42: IMG_9473 On the Edge