yesandyesyes: Group Dinner time! Then prom @yxyy #yxyy
linoleum jet: A Perfect Gentleman, A Talented Lady (Monticello, VA)
Scott Beale: Fried Green Tomatoes at Crystal Beer Parlor, Savannah
edrabbit: Trail panorama
edrabbit: The gang finds the head of a hawk
edrabbit: The crew, ready to hike!
yesandyesyes: YxYY Underwater Photobooth
tecgirl: YxYY Prom 2013-39
karaemurphy: Eris and Arshad
ekai: Pool shots from YxYY
timmmii: Trouble lurks around every corner. @Joann_K
cee-dub: More summer, please!
cee-dub: Special thanks to my sister, @sporkygurl for the cast iron combo cooker!