bikersaroundtheglobe: My favourite motovlogger @schaaf_gopro_only and the legandary @mr_jvandebilt hanging out in Italy.
Oscar in the middle: Celebración 100 años - Celebraçao cem anos G.N.R. - Guarda Nacional Republicana
MCLeather: PRL 3
MCLeather: Leather Police Group
MCLeather: Police Leather Group
MCLeather: YGD 2
MCLeather: SEG 5
ArnaudGabriel: Moto de la garde républicaine pour l'escorte de la reine Elisabeth II.
Oscar in the middle: Policía Local Canaria - Santa Cruz de Tenerife
bootsservice: bootsservice 14 60363
bootsservice: bootsservice 14 20430
PolicePics: Gendarmerie tenues et véhicules ancienne
Bullneck: NPW Memorial Day '12 -- 48
bot_on: poliparis13
bot_on: poliparisa13
bot_on: poliparisb13
bot_on: poliparish13
bot_on: poliparishhh13
kloki4ever: Oktoberfest II.
kloki4ever: Oktoberfest III.