Pig Pang: Venedig, In Explore Nr. 3 😀
cordjo: Winterbaum in der Stadt
cordjo: Backlight
cordjo: Eng verbunden
cordjo: Silent X
cordjo: Buchfink - Chaffinch
cordjo: Schwanzmeise - Tailed tit
cordjo: Zusammen, ein Leben lang - Together, for a lifetime
cordjo: Winterruhe
cordjo: Wetterseite
cordjo: Wintersonne
cordjo: Winterwald
cordjo: Winter
cordjo: Blick ins Sauerland
cordjo: Sportsman
cordjo: Wintersonne - Wintersun
cordjo: Waiting for spring
cordjo: No playtime
cordjo: Path in the fog
cordjo: A foggy day in the forest
cordjo: Kattenstein
cordjo: Glowing trees in the morning light
cordjo: Exposed birch tree
cordjo: Swinging break
cordjo: Day dawns
cordjo: Turmfalke - Kestrel
cordjo: On the border between town and country
cordjo: Heating plant
cordjo: Tree structure in winter
cordjo: Schloß der Arbeit - The castle of labour