SBA73: Obturador Lancaster / Lancaster rotary shutter
SBA73: Bausch & Lomb Iris Diaphragm shutter
SBA73: Unicum
SBA73: Eastman Triple Action
SBA73: Obturador Delta / Delta shutter
SBA73: Goerz Sector shutter
SBA73: Victor
SBA73: Brownie Automatic
SBA73: L'obturador més preciós / The most beautiful shutter
SBA73: FPK Automatic shutter
SBA73: You talkin' to me?
SBA73: Bob X
SBA73: Obturador Compound / Early Compound shutter
SBA73: Koilos
SBA73: Bausch & Lomb Automat
SBA73: Kodak Ball Bearing shutter
SBA73: Les inusuals Sibyl / The unconventional Sibyl cameras
SBA73: Amb el diafragma per davant / With the diaphragm in front
SBA73: Extravagancia britànica // British extravaganza
SBA73: Schwarter Bob
SBA73: Un obturador amb estil / A classy shutter
SBA73: Black Koilos
SBA73: Plaubel Anticomar
SBA73: Unicum en negre i crom / Black & chrome Unicum
SBA73: Càmera, obturador i objectiu Ernemann / All Ernemann made
SBA73: Wollensak Optimo Nº1
SBA73: Obturador N&G Sibyl / N&G Sibyl shutter
SBA73: Kodamatic
SBA73: Separades al neixer / Separated at birth
SBA73: Dial-set Compur