SBA73: Carrer Entença 155. 155!!!
SBA73: Façana sud / Southern wall
SBA73: Filferrada sobre filferrada / More and more wire
SBA73: Primera resclosa / First gate
SBA73: Sala de visites / Visitors room
SBA73: I a dreta i esquerra, el mateix patetisme / From left to right, the same awful panorama
SBA73: Prohibit el contacte fisic / No phisic contact
SBA73: Autorretrat carcerari / Jail self-portrait
SBA73: Cap al cor de les tenebres / Into the earth of darkness
SBA73: Cancell tercer / Third gate
SBA73: Fals panoptic / False panopticon
SBA73: Portes del panoptic / Central inmates distribution
SBA73: L'acensor barrat / Caged lift
SBA73: Món tancat / Closed world
SBA73: Una ciutat apart / A city between the city
SBA73: Quanta repressió i crims / A place of crimes and political repression
SBA73: La 4ª Galeria / Fourth Gallery
SBA73: Pati anti "paquets" / Anti smuggling nests
SBA73: Dos imatges juntes s'entenen més be / Jailhouse art
SBA73: Tots sabiem que Homer acabaria així / Inmate Homer
SBA73: La llum és allà a fora / Light is outside
SBA73: El pati de la Model / Prison yard
SBA73: Enreixada / The slit
SBA73: Grisor / Greyness
SBA73: Tant a prop i tant lluny / So near yet so far
SBA73: Presidiari amb P de passat / Former jail
SBA73: L'inici del enderroc / The begining of the end
SBA73: On mai hi va haver una porta / The gate that never was