SBA73: Esplugabous de poligon / Industrial egrett
SBA73: La lluna de 500mm / 500mm moon
SBA73: En alerta / Ready to go
SBA73: Drifting copter
SBA73: Garsa / Magpie
SBA73: Pardal de bardissa... a la bardissa / Dunnock
SBA73: Pinsà en vol / Flying chaffinch
SBA73: Pinsà a Can Coll / Chaffinch in Can Coll
SBA73: Què passa? / What's up?
SBA73: Lluer femella / Female siskin
SBA73: Un esclat de blau i groc / Gorgeous blue & yellow feathers
SBA73: L'enlairament de la fotja / Taking-off coot
SBA73: Corb marí badallant / Yawning cormorant
SBA73: Paciencia sota la pluja / Lingering under the rain
SBA73: Cullerot punk / Punk shoveler
SBA73: Mosquiter en detall / Near chiffchaff
SBA73: A ell ja li cau la baba / Mating proposition
SBA73: Ales amunt, potes avall / Landing position
SBA73: Ànec blanc aterrant / Landing shelduck
SBA73: Bronca bec a bec / Beaked quarrel
SBA73: Desplegament alar / Wingspan
SBA73: Una mica més... / Just a bit more
SBA73: Estampida! /Stampede!
SBA73: Arriba l'astor / Enter the goshawk
SBA73: Correu, correu! / Run for your lives!
SBA73: Girant-se per rematar / U-turn to kill
SBA73: Creuant mirades amb la Mort / Eye to eye with Death
SBA73: Sense pietat / Natural born killer
SBA73: Treient la presa de l'aigua / Claiming the price
SBA73: Pelant el martinet / Preparing the egret