SBA73: Bec d'anec / Duck train
SBA73: Plaza del Potro
SBA73: Còdols artistics / Pebble mosaic
SBA73: Cervesa d'ahir, futbol d'avui / Old beer and modern TV
SBA73: Claustre de San Francisco / Córdoba cloister
SBA73: El teatre romà de Corduba / The Roman theatre of Corduba
SBA73: Rostrum
SBA73: Falcatae
SBA73: Al gladiador Probus / Honouring Probus the Gladiator
SBA73: Còrdova murada / Walls of Cordoba
SBA73: La darrera porta / Last Gate Standing
SBA73: Recolliment cordovès / Secluded calm
SBA73: Còrdova daurada / Golden Cordoba
SBA73: La porta està tancada / The gate is closed
SBA73: Guardiá nocturn / Night watcher
SBA73: Plata i or / Silver and gold
SBA73: Córdoba la nuit
SBA73: Cel·les / Cells
SBA73: Portes infinites / Infinite doors
SBA73: Les portes d'Almansor / Al-Mansur gates
SBA73: Enmig dels tarongers / Seen from among the orange trees.
SBA73: Horitzontals i verticals / Horizontal & vertical shapes
SBA73: Fred i dur neoclassic / Harsh neoclassic
SBA73: Colonia Patricia Corduba
SBA73: Un rectangle dins la Axerquia / A rectangle in the old town
SBA73: Sakura a l'andalusa / Sakura in Cordoba
SBA73: Palacio de Viana
SBA73: Paleta de maons i còdols / Brick and pebble shapes
SBA73: Palmera esclatant / Mind-blowing palm
SBA73: Patio de las Rejas