SBA73: Martinet blanc / Little egret
SBA73: Nous ocells sobre els aiguamolls / Metallic birds above the marshes
SBA73: Tortuga semienfonsada / Sunk turtle
SBA73: Femella de morell de cap roig / Female common pochard
SBA73: Cadernera / Goldfinch
SBA73: Fotja al niu / Coot in the nest
SBA73: Bernat pescaire / Grey Heron
SBA73: Becplaner / Eurasian Spoonbill
SBA73: Morell de cap roig / Common pochard
SBA73: Polla d'aigua / Common Moorhen
SBA73: Ui, ui, ui, canvi de parella! / Swingers!
SBA73: Posant per la foto / Posing for the pic
SBA73: Hivernant en grup / Wintering in group
SBA73: Aterrant / Landing
SBA73: Un blauet!! / A Kingfisher!!
SBA73: Polla blava / Purple Swamphen
SBA73: Xarxet mascle / Male teal
SBA73: Fredeluga solitaria / Lonely Lapwing
SBA73: Mosquiter a la maresma / Common Chiffchaff in the marsh
SBA73: Lluita èpica / Epic fight
SBA73: Oca vulgar / Greylag Goose
SBA73: Femella de xarxet / Female teal
SBA73: Volant prop d'El Prat / Flying near El Prat
SBA73: Cullerot / Northern Shoveler
SBA73: Una polla jove / Young moorhen
SBA73: Anecs xiuladors / Eurasian Wigeons
SBA73: Amaratge / Duck landing
SBA73: Ànec blanc / Common Shelduck
SBA73: Corriol petit / Little Ringed Plover
SBA73: Cabusset / Little Grebe