SBA73: Marxant de París / Leaving Paris
SBA73: La vall del Nil, de nit / The Nile Valley by night
SBA73: Surt el sol sobre l'Índic / Sunrise over the Indian Ocean
SBA73: Cotó flotant sobre l'oceà / Flying cotton above the ocean
SBA73: Formes i contorns / Cloudy shapes
SBA73: Bird Island
SBA73: Air Seychelles
SBA73: Cousin Island des de l'aire / Cousin Island in bird's view
SBA73: La suite presidencial del Lemuria / Lemuria Hotel presidential suite
SBA73: El nostre bungalow / Our bungalow
SBA73: Bulbul
SBA73: Anse Volbert sota la tempesta / A storm in Anse Volbert
SBA73: Tooota la colla / All together
SBA73: L'invasió / The invasion of the crabs
SBA73: Gros... i poruc / Big, but fearful
SBA73: Vallée de Mai
SBA73: Un bosc únic / There's no forest like this one in the World
SBA73: Un arbre molt masculí / A male tree indeed
SBA73: La llavor més gran del món / The biggest seed in the World (by far)
SBA73: Un sostre tropical / A tropical roof
SBA73: Vacances tropicals / Tropical holidays
SBA73: Disfrutant de la platja / Resting in the beach
SBA73: Onada devoradora / Eaten by the wave
SBA73: L'aigua i la roca / Rock and water
SBA73: Ones a Anse Lazio / Waves in Anse Lazio
SBA73: La platja perfecta / The perfect beach
SBA73: Curieuse vista des de Grand Fond / Curieuse seen from Grand Fond
SBA73: Un paradís en miniatura / A real tiny paradise
SBA73: Des del cim de Praslin / From the top of Praslin
SBA73: Anse Possession i la costa nord de Praslin / The north coast of Praslin