SBA73: El castell de Hunedoara / The castle of Hunedoara
SBA73: Contrastos aberrants / Contrast & aberration
SBA73: Campanars de Hunedoara / Bell towers of Hunedoara
SBA73: Xemeneies en formació / Chimneys in line
SBA73: Ai, que cau! / There, I fixed it!
SBA73: Turnul Sfatului
SBA73: El dia descansa / The day goes to sleep
SBA73: La catedral de Sibiu / The cathedral of Sibiu
SBA73: Tren llevaneus / Snowplow train
SBA73: Pobre museu ferroviari / Decayed railway museum
SBA73: En fila i a punt / Ready to go!
SBA73: Râşnov
SBA73: Les desferres del comunisme / Comunism junkyard
SBA73: Braşov i el mont Tâmpa / Braşov and Munte Tâmpa
SBA73: La catedral i la tèrmica / The cathedral and the thermal power station
SBA73: Prejmer
SBA73: Muralles de Prejmer / Prejmer Walls
SBA73: Com un pastís ple d'espitlleres / Embrasures cake
SBA73: L'entrada a la fortalesa / The entrance to the fortress
SBA73: La fortalesa de Prejmer / The fortress of Prejmer
SBA73: L'església de Tartlau / Tartlau church
SBA73: Anell fortificat / Fortified ring
SBA73: Ja toquen al vespre / Evening hours
SBA73: Armonia de blancs i negres / Black & white balanced church
SBA73: Turnul Croitorilor
SBA73: La calma de la nit va arribant / Night's calm arriving
SBA73: La llar de l'Empalador / Here was born the Impaler
SBA73: Ja és l'hora d'un nou dia / It's the hour for a new day
SBA73: Retorn a Transilvania / Back into Transilvania
SBA73: El rellotge de la torre / The clock in the tower