SBA73: Hiroshima en negre / Hiroshima in black
SBA73: La cúpula atòmica / The Atomic Dome
SBA73: El 'Ground Zero' original / The original Ground Zero
SBA73: Hiroshima i el riu Ota / Hiroshima by the river Ota
SBA73: La flama contra les armes nuclears / The flame against nuclear weapons
SBA73: Ones vegetals / Green waves
SBA73: Desenes de milers de morts / Hundreds of thousands of deaths
SBA73: Hiroshima, abans / Hiroshima, before
SBA73: Hiroshima, després / Hiroshima, after
SBA73: Comparativa / Compared
SBA73: La bola de foc / Fireball
SBA73: Un tramvia al Japó / A tram in Japan
SBA73: L'illa de Miyajima / Miyajima Island
SBA73: Ferris cap a Miyajima / Ferry to Miyajima
SBA73: La torii i la muntanya / The torii and the mountain
SBA73: La porta vermella / The red gate
SBA73: Itsukushima-jinja
SBA73: Entre columnes / Between columns
SBA73: Baixamar al santuari / Low tide at the shrine
SBA73: Composició en fusta / Composition in wood
SBA73: Equilibri i reflexe / Equilibrium and reflexion
SBA73: El santuari de Itsukushima / Itsukushima shrine
SBA73: La Gran Torii / The Great Torii
SBA73: La meva ombra a Miyajima / Selfportrait of my shadow
SBA73: La torii flotant / The floating torii
SBA73: El que fa un gran angular. / What you can do with a wide-angle lens
SBA73: Ni es va moure... / Standing still...
SBA73: L'evolució també es cosa dels trens / The evolution of the train