SBA73: Paisatge entorn Nagano / Landscape arround Nagano
SBA73: Carpes en abundància / Full of carps
SBA73: El castell de Matsumoto / Matsumoto Castle
SBA73: El dissabte sota els cirerers / Saturday under the cherry blossom
SBA73: Pic-nic japonès sota els cirerers / Japanese picnic under the sakura
SBA73: La torre del castell de Matsumoto / The Tower of Matsumoto castle
SBA73: Pont i castell / Bridge and castle
SBA73: Pare i fill / Father and son
SBA73: No mireu el pont vermell / Don't look at the red bridge
SBA73: Jocs de teulades / Combination of roofs
SBA73: La parelleta / The couple
SBA73: Ànecs, pètals i carpes / Ducks, petals and carps
SBA73: Minshuku Hanaya
SBA73: O-Tsumago
SBA73: Sakura a O-Tsumago / Sakura in O-Tsumago
SBA73: Flor de cirerer / Cherry Blossom
SBA73: Quines casetes / Beautiful houses
SBA73: Això són colors! / That's colourful!
SBA73: El cavall de palla / The Straw Horse
SBA73: L'oreneta del Japó / Swallow in Japan
SBA73: Tsumago
SBA73: Via antiga / Old road
SBA73: Tsumago-honjin
SBA73: Japonesos fent el japonès / Japanese being japanese
SBA73: Garyuzakura, el cirerer mil·lenari / Garyuzakura, the Millenium cherry tree
SBA73: El riu Miyagawa / Miyagawa River
SBA73: Vista de Takayama / View of Takayama
SBA73: Ryokan Hakuun
SBA73: Nosaltres a Takayama / Us in Takayama
SBA73: El Sol Naixent a la posta de sol / The Rising Sun in the sunset