SBA73: Incendi a la refineria de Lavrio
SBA73: Incendi a la refineria de Lavrio
SBA73: Incendi industrial / Factory fire
SBA73: Incendi industrial 2 / Factory fire 2
SBA73: Quines coses
SBA73: Feina per als bombers / Work for the firefighters
SBA73: Bombers a l'assalt / Firefighers attacking the fire
SBA73: Una columna negra... / A black pillar...
SBA73: Hiroshima en negre / Hiroshima in black
SBA73: Arrencats d'arrel / Uprooted
SBA73: Incendi nocturn! / Night fire
SBA73: Ensurt! / Emergency!
SBA73: Encallat! / Runned aground
SBA73: Rescatada d'entre el caos / Rescued from chaos
SBA73: En memoria / In Memory Of
SBA73: Un d'ells / One of them
SBA73: Finestra al horror / A peek into horror
SBA73: Zona Cero / Ground Zero
SBA73: Aparteu-vos!! / Move out!!
SBA73: El setè de madereria / Police everywhere
SBA73: Vukovar
SBA73: El setge / The siege
SBA73: Desolació / The mark of war
SBA73: Ai, que cau! / There, I fixed it!
SBA73: Assassinat a Casa Sansa / Murder scene
SBA73: EnSORRAda / Sunk in sand
SBA73: Les arenes del temps / Sands of time will cover all
SBA73: Estiu realment calent / It's really getting hot
SBA73: Cremat dos / Second burnt