SBA73: Tres germans alpins / Three alpine brothers
SBA73: L'Aiguille du Midi
SBA73: El Sostre d'Europa / Top of Europe
SBA73: Vista d'alçada / Panorama from 3800 m.
SBA73: Parts del tot / Parts of all
SBA73: Pont, cúpula i avió / Bridge, cupola and airplane
SBA73: L'àngel entre el bé i el mal (arquitectònics) / The angel between the good and evil (in architecture) ;-)
SBA73: Westminster Abbey
SBA73: Boudica, enemiga de Roma / Boudica, enemy of Rome
SBA73: Parliament
SBA73: Gotic daurat / Golden gothic
SBA73: Mallorca de Nit / Mallorca by night
SBA73: Cercle gòtic / Gothic circus
SBA73: Formes i funcions / Shapes and functions
SBA73: Bellver des del sud / Bellver castle from the south
SBA73: Temple i torre / Temple and tower
SBA73: Ginza
SBA73: El Palau Imperial / The Imperial Palace
SBA73: Nakamise-dori
SBA73: Porta i pagoda / Gate and pagoda
SBA73: Les tonyines per a Tokio / The tuna for Tokyo
SBA73: Daibutsu
SBA73: Yomei-mon
SBA73: Taiyuin-byo
SBA73: Pont i castell / Bridge and castle
SBA73: La bassa de les fulles / The pond of the leaves
SBA73: Shirakawa-go II
SBA73: Kiyomizu-dera
SBA73: Hi ha llum al final del túnel? / There's light at the end of the tunnel?
SBA73: Shinkansen 700