SBA73: Old and New
SBA73: El Belfast ancorat
SBA73: The Eye
SBA73: The Queen's College
SBA73: Hight Street al vespre
SBA73: Torres i més torres
SBA73: Turl Street
SBA73: Bodleian by night
SBA73: Sheldonian Theatre
SBA73: Teulades d'Oxford
SBA73: El tauró d'Oxford / Headington Shark
SBA73: Grua
SBA73: Picadilly Circus
SBA73: Bodleian Library
SBA73: Leuven
SBA73: Begijnhof
SBA73: Mechelen
SBA73: Radial
SBA73: L'ajuntament de Mechelen
SBA73: Un porc a la teulada / A pig in the roof
SBA73: Conjunt gòtic a Mechelen / Gothic buildings in Mechelen
SBA73: Mechelen en blau / Mechelen in blue
SBA73: Façanes
SBA73: Catedral al matí
SBA73: Amsterdam
SBA73: Finestres d'Amsterdam / Windows of Amsterdam
SBA73: Ordre / Order
SBA73: Multicolor
SBA73: Concert sobre el canal / Playing over water