I.W. Joan.: Wednesday Sunset.
I.W. Joan.: Have a good weekend flickr friends
I.W. Joan.: Merry Christmas to my flickr friends and a Happy and Healthy New Year too.
Lesley Danford: Short Eared Owl
boma73: short eared owl
I.W. Joan.: The Patient Sparrowhawk.
AdrianH Photography: Spitfire MKV
G&R: Poppies
BrianBlock: Little Owl in flight
matthewlissimore.com: Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus)
Carl Bovis Nature Photography: Wildflower heaven!
Carl Bovis Nature Photography: Buzzard on a dry-stone wall
Carl Bovis Nature Photography: Stooping Peregrine Falcon!
Carl Bovis Nature Photography: Chaffinch in the Cherry blossom
maddiver58: Kingfisher (Male) Alcedo Atthis
maddiver58: (Female) Woodpecker
maddiver58: Green Tree Frog